浅間国際フォトフェスティバル2024 PHOTO MIYOTA 7月20日(土)~9月16日
Theme: Memories Through Photography 写真の中の記憶
高木康行 | YasuyukiTakagi
BLR: Brooklyn Lot Recordings
installation view: Brooklyn Lot Recordings
Château de Flamanville, Cotentin, Normandy
From 8 June to 29 September 2024
installation view
高木康行 「BLR: Brooklyn Lot Recordings」
THE BOOK END 2024年4月25日(木)〜2024年5月13日(月)
住所 〒650-0024 兵庫県神戸市中央区海岸通3-1-5 海岸ビルヂング 302
THE BOOK END installation view: Brooklyn Lot Recordings
高木康行 「BLR: Brooklyn Lot Recordings by Yasuyuki Takagi」
BOOK AND SONS 2023年12月10日(日)〜2023年12月26日(火)
〒152-0004 東京都目黒区鷹番2-13-3 キャトル鷹番
Book & Sons installation view: Brooklyn Lot Recordings
C’est quoi pour vous la photographie ? :What is photography for you?
The answers of Japanese photographers to Bernard Plossu's question
Authors Cavallero Sophie, Kieffer Morgane, Plossu Bernard
“What is photography for you? is an editorial project which offers you the answers of French and Japanese photographers to this question asked by Bernard Plossu.
“What is photography to you?
Layout of publication: C’est quoi pour vous la photographie ?
BLR: Brooklyn Lot Recordings
Photography:Yasuyuki Takagi
Poems:Jose Parla, Sevinç Çalhanoğlu
Art:Mint & Serf
Words:Adrian Moeller
Art direction:Akira Takubo
Publisher:Neat Papers
Size:H258mm x W258mm x D25mm
RELEASE DATE:2023/11/26
to purchase book (other distribution will be announced once finalized)
BLR: Brooklyn Lot Recordings
Photographs by Yasuyuki Takagi
そして20年数年後の今、この写真シリーズは「BLR:Brooklyn Lot Recordings」という写真集の形で蘇りました。
「Brooklyn Lot recordings」は空地の記録だ。
My journey into the world of photography began in the early 1990s when I moved
from Tokyo, Japan to Brooklyn, New York. Fueled by a deep curiosity to explore my
new surroundings, I walked through the neighborhood, camera in hand.
What I began to observe, the changes in the landscape, turned into a long-term project,
which continued to evolve and captivate me until 2005.
Brooklyn underwent a profound transformation following the tragic events of 9/11, as a
wave of Manhattanites began gentrifying the borough. I soon discovered that photography
possesses a remarkable ability to serve as a time capsule, preserving the essence and
spirit of a place for future generations.
Now, more than two decades later, this photographic series has coalesced into the form
of a photo book titled BLR: Brooklyn Lot Recordings. This book stands as a testament to
the enduring power of photography to capture an era, carrying the memories and landscape
of a place far into the future.
July 2001
I walked out to the waterfront in Williamsburg, Brooklyn- “the ghetto beach”.
There was snow on the ground from a storm and I remember it was freezing, and there
I was with no gloves, admiring the abandoned space by the East River.
On most days the place was covered with garbage; broken beer bottles, junked rusted
cars, refrigerators, and toilet bowls. Weeds grew tall, the sounds of the East River
gurgled through the abandoned dock. Fisherman sat on the rocks waiting for fish,
a scattering of kids were hanging out, smoking and staring out at the river.
My hands were red from the cold and I had two frames of film left to use. I turned
around and photographed a wall. There it was a shot of a torn wall, a faded
graffiti tag, and weeds growing up through the snow. It is all gone now.
I remember growing up in Tokyo, Japan and climbing with friends over a fence and into
an abandoned lot. We would call it our secret base. We would stay there all afternoon
just messing around. It was a playground of sorts, just not the sort with swings and
slides. Now that space is a huge apartment building. What were once abandoned buildings
are now, glass buildings. Expensive developments push the locals further and further
out and away from their homes.
Brooklyn Lot recordings are of abandoned vacant spaces where people dump their unwanted.
There is a freedom in these lots, where the unwanted pile up and the plants still grow.
Then, these spaces disappear, you walk by and wonder if they were ever there, were they
simply a figment of your imagination? I wanted to capture their beauty; lost and gained
in a fleeting moment.
Yasuyuki Takagi
This book BLR: Brooklyn Lot Recordings was published by Neat Papers in Tokyo,Japan and
was designed by Akira Takubo. It is a collection of 101 plates captured between the
mid-1990’s to the early 2005, spanning a transformative time in the urban landscape of
Brooklyn, New York. Alongside the photographs are two poignant poems by artists Jose
Parla and Sevinc Calhanoglu, along with the artwork from Mint & Serf. The book also
features written reflections by Adrian Moeller, the founder of Mass Appeal Magazine.
untitled rock garden 2021
612x764 digital matte c-print
untitled ikebana 2021
500x700 digital matte c-print
untitled plant x-ray 2021
500x700 digital matte c-print
untitled tokyo tree 2021
841x1189 B&W inkjet print
all exihibtion prints above are available for purchase via artist`s website
人間と自然界の関係性をテーマに作品を発表してきた写真家 高木康行。
フランスのIKI editionsから2015年に出版された自身二作目となる写真集「植木」は、2021年に日本版がLibro arteより刊行されました。
高木康行写真展「植木のほかに Besides potted plants」
2021年12月4日(土)- 12月21日(火)12:00-19:00 水曜定休/入場無料
東京都目黒区鷹番2-13-3 キャトル鷹番 BOOK AND SONS
03-6451-0845 / shop@bookandsons.com
Plants by Otonoha
"植木|Petits pots et jardins" by 高木康行 yasuyuki takagi
盆栽展示 by green scapes
森岡書店(東京都中央区銀座1丁目28-15 鈴木ビル)
"植木|Petits pots et jardins"
高木 康行 写真展|Yasuyuki Takagi solo exhibition
2021/6/23 (wed.) - 7/11 (sun.)
600-8059 京都市下京区麩屋町通五条上ル下鱗形町543-2F
2F, 543 Shimourokogatacho,Fuyacho-dori,Gojo agaru,
Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan 600-8059
Cotoha、Libro Arte
The relationship between humans and the natural world has been a main theme of Yasuyuki Takagi`s photographic works. Focusing on the “bohemian street gardens” of downtown Tokyo led to his photobook "Ueki" petits pots et jardins. In this exhibition of polaroid and photographic works, potted plants, collected research materials will also be presented. The purpose is to reflect on the art and history of our “Ueki” culture and our connections to plant life.
untilted poster#1
edition 50 2021
植木 limited edition posters
available via artist`s website
untilted poster#2
edition 50 2021
Ueki, 植木, petits pots et jardins
A book of photographs by Yasuyuki Takagi
Introductory text by Philippe Pons
Editions iKi, France
Printed in 300 copies, october 2015
25 x 20 cm Handmade Japanese binding
Artistic direction: Eric Pillault
Supported by Sophie Cavaliero, Tracé d'Artiste.
Editions iki,
2 hameau du gros saule - 59115 leers - france
first edition
out of stock
second edition
500 copies Jan / 2021
株式会社リブロアルテ / LibroArte.,Inc
東京都世田谷区宇奈根 1-33-12 2F
2F 1-33-12 Unane Setagaya ku Tokyo Japan 157-0068
TEL :03-6411-1081 TEL:+81-3-6411-1081
FAX :03-6411-1082 FAX:+81-3-6411-1082
MAIL :info@libroarte.jp
デザイン Eric Pillault
テキスト Philippe Pons
3,960JPY|250×200mm|98 Pages
Japanese binding book
Designer : Eric Pillault
Text:Philippe Pons
植木: 高木康行
Photographing the relationship between humans and the natural world has been a theme I have explored for the past 25 years or so. As a city boy, the deep natural world was always attractive and yet somewhat foreign to me. That all changed during the six months I lived in Brazil and my experiences there with the land and the peoples brought me to the Amazon Forest. I was mesmerized by the fragrant, lush forests and the unbelievable density of the nature. It made sense to me then that all the human problems on the planet are mostly caused from some sort of power struggles involving land ownership, deforestation, and the expansion of humans.
In New York City, where I lived for 22 years, my interest was primarily focused on abandoned lots and community gardens. Places where boxes of land gave some greenery in an urban jungle. These types of green spaces really existed in the most organic forms. Weeds eventually claimed the empty lots, encapsulating even the occasional rusted car. Community gardens, cared for by the benevolence of neighbors, gave city dwellers some reprieve from the concrete.
In Tokyo, where I grew up and spent most of my youth, and where I live today, there is a persistence of concrete growth, but nature tries; there are street gardens or spaces where potted plants line small alleys, buildings and homes. The “human made” nature that individuals and communities care for and nourish are often in places of demolition due to modern developments and thus, with these developments, we are moving away from a more traditional ways of life.
Japanese people have a long history of rituals and relationships with nature, which are expressed through art; such as carefully tended gardens, flower arrangements (ikebana), poetry, paintings and bonsai. The seasonal viewing of nature remains popular even to this day. Much literature has been produced throughout history about these topics, though most of these arts are practiced by a very small portion of the population and very few new gardens are made today.
During the Edo Period, when peace was established between Feudal Lords, Japan came together and the country united. Samurai Lords found other ways to spend their time and enjoy life. Potted plants were one outlet that emerged out of this time and people shared seasonal plants among each other. The potted plants in front of homes still creates a sense of aesthetic and connection to community. Plant life essentially connects people.
If you imagine 100 years or more from now, when people look back at our time and see how we connected with nature, it is probably the bohemian street gardens more so than ikebana or bonsai. Community, group driven natural environments, that hold nature and humans together in a shared experience. Even this is threatened to some communities now as expensive real estate development replaces these fixtures of urban life. I believe that this way of sharing nature deserves to have its own history book before this too vanishes.
I call this book UEKI.
UEKI, book making video 動画 clip duration 1:43
Yasuyuki Takagi presents here his most recent project, MARRONNIER.
video by Sophie Cavaliero for Contemporary Japanese Photography Portal SUGOI.photo
"When I was young, there were small family photo labs in every neighborhood offering one-hour development. People would drop off their film after their little outing for the day or after their special occasion...
...Now , with the digital age and camera phones, very few of these places still exist. There is a photograph of an abandoned photo lab storefront that I took many years ago. can read on the sign on the storefront "photo service station MARRONNIER". I'm sure this was once a place where neighbors dropped off their film the same way I did. These neighborhood places revealed the lives of people in photographs to keep, to remember."
The MARRONNIER book is a collection of photographs found in family archives or taken by Yasuyuki Takagi himself. The found and developed negatives come from the photographer's family. They date from the 1950s, early 1960s and today. The photographs resulting from this heritage are mixed with the own photographs taken by Yasuyuki Takagi. They are of all types, color and black and white photographs, 35mm, half frame, medium, large format films and expired Polaroids.
The photographs, presented in this project, are accompanied by a text by Marcelline Delbecq that you can hear in the video, reading an extract from her text.
A text by Russet Lederman "Memory and Life's Footprints" prefaces this project. Here is an excerpt:
"As easy as it is to classify as a diary an album containing family photos, it would be too simplistic in the case of Marronnier. The space created by Yasuyuki Takagi is indeed a complex web woven of archival photographs and contemporary, following a fluid timeline that undulates easily between past and present. Its visual purpose, to which are added the poetic fragments written by Marcelline Delbecq, evokes a set of universal experiences and common memories in constant evolution. Like the fragmentary denkbilder (thought-images) of Walter Benjamin, Yasuyuki Takagi and Marcelline Delbecq weave a web of ordinary experiences that resist closed definitions. Together, they invite us to wander the mind, to rethink the idea of family , to confront us with our lives and our deaths,both collective and individual.
-arles 2019 les rencontres de la photographie
Luma rencontres dummy book awards
shortlisted project :
photo book "Marronnier マロニエ" by Yasuyuki Takagi
exhibitions July 1st~September 22nd 2019
34 rue du docteur Fanton
13200 Arles
Tél. : +33 (0)4 90 96 76 06
Link to Life 茶のある風景: Atelier MUJI 9/7~10/7 2018
kaigo danshi studies
a book about elderly caretakers in Japan.
the books hopes to recriut more men in this ever growing field. Japan faces new challenges with the constant decline in population and it`s fast growing ageing citizens.
out of stock
第二回京都国際写真祭 Kyotographie International photography festival
2014. 4. 19 SAT — 5. 11 SUN
Nature in Tokyo: M Le magazine du Monde
Yuuhisai Koudoukan
M le magazine du Monde, the popular French magazine presents Nature in Tokyo,
this work forms a series that shows the individual perspectives of
13 Japanese photographers, culminating in a portfolio for the magazine.
Artists include: Rinko Kawauchi, Yu Kusanagi, Hajime Kimura, Go Itami,
Daido Moriyama, Takashi Homma, Yasuyuki Takagi, Naoki Ishikawa, Nobuyoshi Araki,
Lieko Shiga, Masaru Tatsuki, Kotori Kawashima, Mika Kitamura
Lorimoto Gallery presents “Front Line”
9/28~10/27 2013
featuring works by Johnathan Auch - Photography ,
Yasuyuki Takagi - Photography , Armas Carino - Sculpture
edition 600
funny bones editions December 2013
130 rue du Faubourg Poissonnière
75010 Paris
+33 1 44 78 93 86
Provença 292 4°1ª
08008 Barcelona
+ 34 935 958 129
also available for purchase via artist`s website
ART LIGUE pays tribute to its artists with limited-edition hand-crafted boxed sets.
The custom boxed sets include ten original prints of the visual world of photographers Alain Laboile, Geoffroy de Boismenu, Andrés Figueroa, Nicolas Guilbert, Jean Khazem & Misi Park, Michel Mallard, Charles Petit and Yasuyuki Takagi, in a limited edition of 50 copies,each signed and numbered. Each set includes a canvas-covered, silk-screen printed box containing
10 original prints and a biographical presentation of the artist.
These highly collectible sets are available from the ART LIGUE gallery and "the imaginary gallery" in the BON MARCHÉ department store.
16 x 22,7 cm, Edition of 50
350.00 €
27th International Festival of Fashion and Photography Festival
April 27th - 30th 2012
SHORTLISTED PHOTOGRAPHERS: Olga Cafiero, Jessica Eaton, Richard Kolker, Namsa Leuba, Hanna Putz,
Florian van Roekel, Akira Somekawa, Brea Souders, Yasuyuki Takagi, Manuel Vazquez
“I am presenting here two different series. One is about an ancient forest I visited earlier
this year in the southern island of Japan to witness with my bare eyes a living tree that may
be 7,000 years old. During my quest I was struck by the beauty and power of the forest.
The second series of photographs is an ongoing project about community gardens in New York City.
These images are from Harlem, where there are now over sixty community gardens. Originally these
gardens began as an art movement in the 1960s planting seeds in abandoned lots.
Today’s gardens show why we need these sacred places for our urban environment.
Both projects are photographed in black and white, where nature becomes timeless and abstract.
The experience is as if I were visiting a personal fairy tale; one the true form of nature
itself and the other remade by humans.”
©2024 Yasuyuki Takagi. All rights reserved.